I celebrate the living this day.
You joined when you saw humanity fail.
You joined to live the beauty of a patriot's dream.
You joined to share the gospel of He who would redeem.
Enraged in the acts of terror, when the planes struck the towers.
Impassioned when the flag flew in the midst of flowers.
Engaged in a cause beyond your comprehension,
Bringing to all the power of redemption.
And with the living, I forget not the dead this day.
Together, you freed the camps where the lost paid their faith.
Together, you overcame and freed them all from the tyrants power.
Together, you fought for the country, each other, and for God, who couldn't be prouder.
Enraged across a battlefield.
Impassioned in the cause of brotherhood zeal,
Engaged in the cause of His compassion.
Living or dead, this day I remember you together, man and woman of action.
To Grandparents, your lives and stories are not forgotten.
To Spouses, I ache and pray to be your companion once more and hold you again.
To Siblings, I never forgot you were a friend first and the call telling me, "I'll see you then.
To my child, you will always be my child wherever it is you are and wherever it is you go.
To friends, one and all, Christ keep you in his care, safe in His redeeming waters flow.
And to all nations, take the Savior's love and celebrate His living love this day.